Monday, August 29, 2011

Mac, wind and rain!

My son, John, sent me his older (2years) Mac. I opened the box and the only thing I could say was "WOW!' The computer monitor is 24 inches..taking up half of my is wonderful. The color and the sound are awesome. I am still playing with everything, but for only having it for less than a week....I think I am doing pretty good for being technically challenged!

Hurricane Irene came and went somewhat uneventful...thank God. The temperature was in the low 8Os so it felt great outside...sat on my porch and felt the wind in my face aaahhhhhh. We didn't get much rain and the farmers could have used some, but as an weather event it turned out okay. Of course, we were over prepared and that is always an insurance policy that things will not get too bad. The worse weather happens when you are not prepared, like going to bed in February and expecting a couple inches of snow and waking up and not be able to open your back door to let the dog out because of drifting snow.

Looking forward to a great week. Blessings!

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